Characteristics and Application of GOODCREE DPS Penetrating Crystalline Waterproof Agent
July 19th, 2024

v Environment friendly;
v Permanent Waterproofing, damp-proofing, anti- seepage;
v Protecting the reinforced concrete against the corrosion of acid, alkali and chloride ion;
v Excellent resistance to hydrostatic pressure;
v Improving concrete structures’ resistance of high temperature and freeze/thaw cycle damage;
v Self sealing ≤0.3mm hairline cracks repeatedly;
v Restraining the growth of moss and mold;
v Extending the life time of the concrete structures and its finishing coating;
v Easy, fast and safe to use, can up to 1500 -2000 m2/man per day;
v Can greatly reduce the cost of labor, repair and maintenance;
v Can be applied on both old concrete and new concrete, and don’t change the concrete’s color and structure;
v Inorganic products, permanent functions.


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